SimpList version 2.3 - Summary of Changes

The following is a summary of changes made in SimpList version 2.3. For more information see the SimpList User Guide or online tutorials, or contact your SimpList supplier.

1. License key maintenance

Rather than storing SimpList license keys in an ISPF table, they can now be stored in a sequential data set or PDS member. This makes license maintenance easier as new keys can simply be edited over old ones.

2. Enhancements to the TSO SL command

The TSO SL command has been enhanced to allow an optional function and/or object name to be specified, as shown by the following command syntax:

TSO SL {function} {object}

For example:

TSO SL Starts a nested SimpList session
TSO SL B 'MY.DSN' Browses 'MY.DSN'
TSO SL C .MYUNIX Copies whichever object has the .MYUNIX label
TSO SL E Edits whichever object the cursor is pointing at

This enhancement allows any type of object to be selected for any function (e.g. copy, delete, print, transfer, view, etc.) from any command line anywhere in ISPF.

3. Enhancements to the Information panel

When a data set is selected using function I (Information), the attributes of the selected data set are displayed on a panel where any of the attributes can optionally be changed. The panel previously supported three data set types (PDS, PDSE and SEQ), but now allows the data set type to be changed from or to any of the following:

PDS Partitioned Data Set (up to 65,535 tracks with up to 16 extents)
LIB1 Partitioned Data Set Extended (unlimited tracks with up to 123 extents)
LIB2 Similar to LIB1 but allows member generations
BASIC Sequential Data Set (up to 65,535 tracks with up to 16 extents)
LARGE Sequential Data Set (unlimited tracks with up to 16 extents)
EXTPREF Extended Preferred (assigns BASIC if extended cannot be allocated)
EXTREQ Extended Required (unlimited tracks with up to 123 extents)

The panel has also been enhanced to allow single volume data sets to be converted to multi-volume (or vice versa), or to increase or decrease the number of volumes assigned to multi-volume data sets.

4. Support for member generations

Member generations can be selected from a SimpList member list by entering a generation number in the member list Newname field.

5. Support for line command tables

A line command table name can be entered on the SimpList ‘Edit and View Entry Options’ panel for use when editing or viewing data sets, UNIX files and workstation files on a mainframe.

6. Screen name enhancements

In regular ISPF the screen names displayed by the SWAPBAR command show which function is being performed (e.g. Edit or View). In contrast, SimpList displays which member or data set is being processed. This makes it easier for SimpList users to know precisely which ISPF session to swap to.

7. New function ‘I’ in member lists

When function I is used in SimpList member lists to select load modules, a listIdr AMBLIST report is displayed. When function I is used to select members with fixed or variable length records, member Information is displayed (including regular and extended member statistics).

8. User defined function enhancements

User defined functions (1, 2 and 3) have been enhanced to allow user written procedures to set messages for display next to data sets selected from DSLISTs, and to receive optional input arguments when members are selected from member lists.