The following is a summary of changes made in SimpList version 1.3. For more information see the SimpList User Guide or online tutorials, or contact your SimpList supplier.
System and user defined symbols can be entered anywhere in any type of object. For example:
If the value of a symbol is unknown, a pop-up panel prompts for the value. The value can be set to be used once, or for the duration of the SimpList session, or from that point forward.
A label is a user defined alias that begins with a period followed by 1 to 8 characters. Labels can be given to any type of object (e.g. data sets, DB2 tables, Bookmanager bookshelves, etc.), including objects with wild cards and/or symbols in their name. Objects with labels can be referenced from anywhere in ISPF using short, easy-to-remember label names instead of much longer or difficult to remember object names. For example, a data set called 'SOME.LONG.PROD.JCL.DATASET.NAME' could be given a short, easy to remember label called .PRODJCL or .J (etc.). If a label references a PDS(E) it can be followed by an optional member name or pattern. For example, the following commands could be entered on any ISPF command line:
When an object is selected from a list by entering an object number, an optional member name or pattern can be entered. For example:
The MRG command can be followed by up to 4 object numbers, where each number represents a PDS(E) in the current object list. For example, MRG 6 7 11 temporarily merges the member lists for objects 6, 7, and 11. The names of the merged libraries can be completely different; e.g. 'MY.SOURCE' could be merged with 'GROUP.TEST.SRCLIB' and 'PROD.COBOL.COPYBOOK.LIBRARY'. Updated members can be saved in the first merged library (which is the only available option in regular ISPF), or in the original library the member was selected from.
When any member is browsed, edited, or viewed, any referenced member can be opened using point-and-shoot. For example, if a COBOL program references a copybook, the copybook could be opened by typing a function on the command line (e.g. ED for Edit) and pointing the cursor at the copybook name. Exiting the copybook returns to the COBOL program.
Any command that can be entered on any ISPF command line can be stored as an object in an object list. Commands are identified by a leading greater-than sign ( > ) as shown by the following examples:
Launch commands BR, ED, and VI can be entered on any ISPF command line to browse, edit, and view objects in a nested session. The object to browse, edit or view can be entered by name, by label, or by pointing the cursor at a data set or member name appearing anywhere on any ISPF panel.When the nested session ends, control returns to the original session.
An optional 'S' can now be appended to the end of launch commands to Start a new session. For example, if a COBOL program references a copybook that needs to be edited in a new session, EDS can be entered on the command line and the cursor can be pointed at the copybook name. The copybook opens for edit and SWAP can be used to swap back and forth between the COBOL program and copybook.